We lived in Haiti in 1986 when the country exploded with riots and demonstrations that culminated in the departure of Jean Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier. When the unrest began, the government blocked CNN television and destroyed radio stations that dared broadcast news...

No License To Kill
The faculty of faith is not meant to kill the faculty of criticism and the instinct of curiosity, but rather to keep them keen and alive, and prevent them from dying of despair. Faith is the mark of those who seek and keep on seeking, who ask and keep on asking, who...

Timpani and Triangles
I first heard a live performance of Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony when I was in college. The Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra conducted by Erich Kunzel produced a memorable experience. Yes, the violinists were impressive, but I was mesmerized by the timpani...

Leave It Alone
So you don't understand what happened to the dinosaurs. In your search for answers don't pull out "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." Yes, it takes faith to leave that thread alone. We cannot prove God created all things but "by faith we...

Stepping Stones
Those who knew my father knew that "fishing" ran a close second to "loving God." Yes, he loved his family, but we soon learned that spending time with Dad meant "going fishing." The only time I ever played hooky from school was the spring day that Dad told our...

Outer Fringes
Job spoke of the suspension of earth over nothing, the spread of the northern skies, waters bundled in clouds, and the powerful churning of the sea. He ended his observations by saying about God, "And these are but the outer fringe of his works; how faint the whisper...

A Fresh Battery
The rechargeable batteries for my Nikon camera carried a strong charge for several years, but after a while the batteries would only recharge enough for a couple shots. I finally had to admit, it was time to buy a new expensive battery. In my young adult years,...

Christ in YOU?
When the virgin Mary said, "May it be to me as you have said," she submitted to the Spirit's formation of the Christ child within her body. She knew that allowing Christ to be formed in her could result in divorce or possibly stoning. Nevertheless, she trusted the...

Abandoned Projects
Abandoned NGO (non-government organizations) projects dot Haiti. In the past, individuals and churches started emotion-based projects to help the needy. When funding and zeal shrunk, though, they walked away leaving only a skeleton of their dreams. *** In recent years...

All Parts Included
By the seventh day,God had finished the workhe had been doing (Genesis 2:2). God never came back to tweak or add to His creation. All that we would ever discover or need was present on that day. No chromosome was added to produce the billions of people that...