distractions from Bible reading


Where can I find a Pop-Up blocker that works when I try to read my Bible and pray? It seems that when I pick up the  Word and try to have a conversation with God, pop-ups flood the screen of my mind.  I suddenly remember:

I’m out of eggs- better put it on my grocery list before I forget it.
Coffee – I forgot to grab a cup of coffee – Be right back, Lord.
Dental Appointment – was that this morning or this afternoon? Better check.

Some days it seems that by the time I take care of the pop-ups, I no longer have a desire to read or pray.

Some pop-ups prove hard to exit once we open them. They can take over our thinking until all we can do is shut down our devotional time and get on with our day. I have no answer for how to block pop-ups, but I have found a way to deal with them a little better. When I open my Bible, I also have pen and paper in hand. When a pop-up comes, I either dismiss it or put it on my list to handle later.  Very few pop-ups require immediate attention, but it requires constant discipline to keep closing unimportant ones during our devotional time.

Martha Hawn VanCise©



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