Magnetic Fields
Magnetic Forces change course


You have built systems into birds that cause them to migrate and navigate by magnetic fields running from each pole. According to Peter Friederici manmade electromagnetic forces can throw the birds off course. “Bird’s innate navigational systems go haywire in a metropolis,” he said. “But block the electromagnetic radiation, one study shows, and their sensors return to normal.” (Audubon March-April 2015)

You have put eternity, a sense of God in our hearts. You have given us a reliable guidance system — Christ in us, the Holy Spirit, and your Word. We live, though, in a world of strong forces that attack our perception of Truth. We can block or bypass some sinful influences, but until we reach our final resting place, we will have to contend with the forces of our culture. The only way that we can stay the course is to continually align our course with the Word and communicate daily with God.

Martha Hawn VanCise©2021
Photo: Shutterstock



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