Care of Our Time
clocks with Roman numerals
Many consider lack of time for prayer and Bible study as the greatest obstacle to their spiritual growth.  Christians of all generations have struggled with time management. In 1650 Jeremy Taylor left simple, common-sense advice on time management that is worth considering in the 21st century.

Care Of Our Time

  1. God has given every person enough work to do, so that we do not have too much free time on our hands.  Yet, He has so ordered the world that there will be time for devotion. 
  2. Never complain that your work keeps you from devotion to God.  God provides for our needs and gives us the good things of life through commerce and labor.  Regard your employment as a means of serving God.  If you work sensible hours and use good judgment in your business affairs, there will be adequate time for prayers and devotion. 
  1. Don’t let your recreations eat up your time.  Choose recreations that are healthful, transient, and apt to refresh you.  Do not make your recreations the focal point of your life.  It is good to relax and unbend our bow, but we should not allow it to be unstrung. 
  1. Make sure you are employed in such a manner as is fitting for a sensible person.  Don’t spend your life in work that is fitting for children or distracted people.  Choose employment that is fitting for your age and understanding.  A person can be frivolously busy and spend a lifetime working for no purpose.

“Care of Our Time,” from Jeremy Taylor’s work titled The  Rule and Exercises of Holy Living, 1650.  Adapted and revised by Martha VanCise



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