All Parts Included
By the seventh day,
God had finished the work
he had been doing (Genesis 2:2).
God never came back to tweak or add to His creation. All that we would ever discover or need was present on that day.
No chromosome was added to produce the billions of people that would inhabit the earth. With the exception of the incarnate Christ, no atom, no DNA, no genome, no microwave, no sound wave, no light, no seed, came from another source. Everything that we know and use came from God’s original creation.
Whatever we may build, create, or discover in the future will come from what has been here from the beginning.
The heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array. Genesis 2:1) …his works have been finished since the creation of the world (Hebrews 4:3)
Martha Hawn VanCise©