Writing for 21st Century Pilgrims

Green Flash
Run to the Roar

Writing has always been a part of my life. Published first while a middle-school student, I have written for publications such as Evangelical Missions Quarterly, Alive Now, Networker, Builder News, The Tribune (Ft. Pierce, FL),  Moody, Power For Living, Saturday Evening Post, The Christian Reader, Light & Life, Standard, The Upper Room, Woman’s Touch, Holiness Today (Herald Of Holiness), Women Alive, Emphasis, Evangelical Friend, John Milton Magazine, Fruit Of The Vine, Living Streams, God’s Revivalist, Union Gospel Press, Into All the World, and for the Dialog Series (Beacon Press). Some articles also appeared in Most Inspirational Stories and a Chicken Soup book. Books include Successful Mission Teams: A Guide for Volunteers (two editions) and co-written books titled Construction Industry Guide to OSHA and Run to the Roar: Stories About Facing Tough Challenges Head-On. Ghostwriting/editing projects include Spiritual Formation by Dr. Larry Houck and Make That Baby Happy by Barbara Walker.

International missions have also been a vital part of my life. My husband and I lived and worked in Bolivia, Guatemala, and Haiti. Shorter mission projects took me to Venezuela, Dominican Republic, and Indonesia. In Florida I worked with immigrants for fifteen years in the English as a Second Language Program at Indian River State College.

When I’m not writing, I enjoy photography and spending time with my great-grandchildren.

Martha VanCise