Abandoned Projects
Hope and a future
Abandoned NGO (non-government organizations) projects dot Haiti. In the past, individuals and churches started emotion-based projects to help the needy. When funding and zeal shrunk, though, they walked away leaving only a skeleton of their dreams.


In recent years Jeremiah’s words, “For I know the plans I have for you … plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future,”  have become a motto for many Christians. Emblazoned on wall hangings, cards, and memories, the words remind us that “God has an exciting, wonderful plan for us!”

As we continue on our Christian journey, though, the blessings we expected from God may not materialize. No matter our age or length of walk with God, we may at times wonder if God has abandoned plans to give us a productive future.

When David hid in wilderness caves he must have occasionally wondered if God had abandoned the plans to make him king. Later in life, King David reigned over Israel, but he continued to face adversaries who challenged the God-given purpose of his life. While David trusted God to fulfill his purpose he still cried out, “Do not abandon the works of your hands.” (Psalm 138:8)

No matter our age or where we are on our spiritual walk, there will be pauses in our lives—times when useless weeds seem to be the only thing that appears on the project site of our life. We may long to see more progress in God’s plan. As we age, we may look at the edifice of our lives and wonder if God has rolled up the blueprints for our lives and left us alone with our memories.


God will not abandon the project he has started in our lives. He will finish what he has started.

There has never been the slightest doubt in my mind that the God who started this great work in you would keep at it and bring it to a flourishing finish on the very day Christ Jesus appears.
(The Message – Philippians 1:6)
The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your love, O Lord, endures forever —do not abandon the works of your hands. (Psalm 138:8)

Martha Hawn VanCise©



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1 Comment

  1. Martha, I’ve never been abandoned by God, but rather that I have abandoned Him by not being open to what He is telling me.


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